Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Slow speed using Evoluent mouse with linux mint 21.1

Recently i installed a fresh copy of linux mint 21.1

I've got a nice new 4K monitor that someone donated to me, which then hooked up to another donated PC fitted with a Nvidia 1060 6GB GPU nicely. 

While that's not impressive, it is for me. I always get the hand-me-downs, which is why i like running linux so much as these machines are always fast, they just out perform windows even when being old. 

Anyhow, i also have a nice Evoluent Vertical 4 Mouse, This mouse is great if you have some OOS (occupational over use syndrome). Stemming from my Cad days this mouse really saved my wrist from horrible all day pains

So with my 4K monitor, i scaled the 4K image up 200%, so both monitors were approx the same resolution. However the mouse point was slow. 

Even with the speed sliders at full, it was a real slog to try and get the pointer from one screen to another.

I thought it was something to do with the scaling that i had done with the driver, but when i tried another mouse, i didn't see the same effect, therefor leading me to assume that it was something special with this mouse. 

I found a great post in the end about increasing the mouse sensitivity. trying this out proved to be the fix that i needed. 

To see the current settings, use:

xinput --list-props "HOLTEK Evoluent VerticalMouse 4" | grep -i 158

Then to try new settings use: 

xinput --set-prop 8 158 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

According to the post, the values you want to be tweaking are the two "2.00000" from the above command. These are the X and Y axis respectively 

Once i found mine, as suggested, i popped this into my ~/.bashrc, so that everytime the computer reboots, it will set the values i want.

Now.. where is my coffee....